Traditional Qualities of Gemstones, Metals and Yak Bone
Crystal gemstones are a form of anciently formed earth energy. They have been used by people for millennia for healing and ceremony. Early radios used crystals to receive the vibrational frequency of radio waves and transmit them as sound wave vibrations audible to the human ear. The special qualities of crystals are also in laser surgery and other modern technologies.
The properties of gemstones correspond to their unique vibrational energy and the particular frequency of energy which they transmit and receive. Some gemstones mostly receive and transmute negative physical, emotional and mental energies, other gemstones are better suited for sending energy and some are effective for sending and receiving energy. Gemstones have been used by healers in most ancient civilizations, and there has been a great revival in the use of gemstones in healing in modern times.
Here are some of the traditional healing properties of the gemstones you will find in the jewelry and malas featured in our store.
Amazonite - Calming, soothing stone helps balance the emotions, protects from electromagnetic radiation, awakens the heart
Amber - Calming, and clearing, it is highly recommended for grounding and relieving stress, associated with the 1st or root chakra
Amethyst - Master Healing Gemstone of transmutation which covers the full spectrum of human energies form the base to the crown chakra, increases vivid dreams, enhances peace, and love, fosters ones intuitive capacity, and higher spiritual aspirations, the purple/violet color is very cleansing and helps purify negative energy. Amethyst is a receiver for healing energy and helps focus and send the healing where it is most needed, like rose quartz - it has the vibration of love only with greater clarity of thought, it helps integrate the body with being. A protective stone, it helps shield one from harmful electromagnetic energies. [highly recommende]
Aquamarine - A stone of courage, it calms energy, reduces stress and quiets the mind, promotes inner peace.
Aragonite - Grounding stone, helps bring patience and acceptance, good for people who push themselves too hard.
Aventurine - Promotes compassion and empathy, helps calm anger and irritability, protects the heart
Azurite Chrysocolla - Stimulates third eye and intuitive development, calms fears, helps clear worry, grief, stress
Bloodstone - An excellent grounding and protection stone, increases courage.
Brass - Composed of Copper and Zinc, Brass has metaphysical healing properties to boost the immune system, assists in the healing of the skeletal structure, eliminate toxins and to give courage. Conducive for spiritual/mental healing, self-discipline and strength. It attracts abundance in all areas of life.
Carnelian - Good for stimulating one’s energy, helps heal trauma, stress, and emotional wounds. Aids self actualization, the stone of passion and sexuality, 1st & 2nd Chakra. [highly recommended]
Chalcedony - Aqua Blue- A nurturing stone, enhances creativity, flexibility and light heartedness. Pink- Encourages kindness, empathy, peace and openness to new things.
Citrine - A warming stone, it energizes at every level, especially noted for attracting wealth, prosperity and success, helps raise self esteem and confidence, promotes creativity and self expression. Promotes inner calm and helps overcome fears, beneficial for CFS.
Copper - Believed to be helpful for reducing inflammation particularly with arthritis and rheumatism.
Red Coral - Good for physical energy, strengthens circulation. 1st & 2nd Chakra.
Garnet - Red improves relationships, enhances sexuality, strengthens 1st chakra and spleen chakras.
Hematite - Very good for grounding and shielding one’s energy from outer negativity, stimulates concentration and memory, restores and strengthens the blood
Howlite - very calming, helpful for insomnia from an overactive mind
Jade - There are many different color jades with different properties
Green - Calms the emotions and attracts prosperity
Lavender - Relieves emotional pain, enhances inner peace
Orange - Stimulating and cleansing
Yellow- Stimulates joy, aids digestion and elimination
Jasper (Red) - Promotes grounding and strengthening, an excellent "worry stone." An earthy stone that brings comfort and harmony.
Labradorite - Increases inner strength, helps with more restful sleep, deflects negative energies, stimulates intuition and trust in self
Lapis Lazuli - Rare Master Healing gemstone, used for purifying physical, emotional and mental negativity and health problems. Tibetan Buddhists use Lapis Lazuli malas for Medicine Buddha healing rituals, it increases wisdom, intuition, clarity and awareness. A powerful protection stone, with a full range healing spectrum, although especially focused in the throat, ajna (3rd eye) and crown chakras. [highly recommended]
Malachite - Powerful stone helps release negative emotions, it strengthens and assists growth and vitality and helps soothe and clear emotional problems associated with the solar plexus and heart chakras.
Moonstone - Helps in psychic work, opens the spirit to the feminine principle, helps with interpersonal relations and calming the emotions.
Nickle - Fortifies the power of regeneration. Spiritual Nickel promotes creativity and inventiveness. Nickel keeps us young mentally and can aid psychological healing.
Obsidian - Promotes self esteem and confidence, very calming, grounding and warming, helps calms excessive thinking, reduces mental stress.
Onyx, Black - Balances and grounds, promotes calming and centering and personal strength, self control, clarity of thinking, good for people under extreme mental and emotional stress
Pearl - Symbol of purity, faith, integrity, fertility, sincerity and wisdom, white color related to the purity and wisdom of the heart and crown chakra, works well with other gemstones.
Rose Quartz - A great healing gemstone. A receiver and transmitter of energy, it absorbs negative vibrations and helps transmute them and also sends out the gentle but powerful, positive energy of love and compassion, it can help heal emotional wounds, aid forgiveness and increase happiness, the rose/pinkish color corresponds to the heart chakra. It shields one from harmful electromagnetic energies. [highly recommended]
Rhodonite - Helps balance and heal the emotions, also grounding.
Ruby - A firestone, it intensifies energy, passion, courage, can be over stimulating for irritable people or those with a temper.
Sardonyx - A stone of strength and protection, very grounding and earthy. [We have this available in bracelets.]
Silver - Silver is closely associated with the moon. and is Yin, energetically. Silver cools, calms, and soothes. It invokes intuition, dreams, love, protection and enhances the intuition, our psychic abilities, our right brain function.
Tigers Eye - Helps business, practical matters, clarity of mind, financial stability, strengthens will, courage and confidence helps clarify thoughts from emotions
Tigers Eye, Red - Same qualities above with enhanced energy for self-actualization.
Tourmaline - A stone used by the shamans for cleansing and purifying negative energy and restoring mental/emotional balance, this “rainbow” type has qualities useful for all the chakras
Turquoise - Master Healing Stone, fosters healthy relationships, protects and cleanses the body from environmental pollutants, strengthens the body against illness, helps align the subtle body. It is believed that turquoise brings prosperity, strength and helps overcome illness. Native Americans have praised the qualities of turquoise since the time of the Aztecs. The Navajos believed it could help appease the "Wind Spirits" and the Tibetans use turquoise in their ritual religious objects as well as jewelry, also to temper the "Winds" ie.prana. Turquoise was esteemed by Tibetan Shamans for both its spiritual and physical healing and protective qualities. Ancient manuscripts from India, Afghanistan and the Middle East also refer to the healing effects of wearing turquoise. It is known as the gemstone of totality. [Highly recommended]
Yak Bone - Yak bone represents impermanence and is said to maintain healthy blood circulation, keeping us in physical harmony as we move through the world. Only the bones of yaks that died a natural death are used. Buddhist monks pray over them and bless them.