Many in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, India, and now all over the world, wear a locket called a Gau/Ghau.
The Gau opens to a concealed inner space. They are traditionally used by Tibetan Buddhists to hold a picture of a favorite deity or teacher, a folded scroll of sacred mantras, special herbs and sacred relics. They are then worn as an amulet to attract blessings, for protection, and as a portable shrine, close to the heart.
Gau are usually made of silver, however the Tibetan artisans also use brass, copper, gold and other metals.Gau often have intricate designs, auspicious symbols and mantras inscribed on their outer surfaced and are often inlaid with semi-precious gemstones which have various healing effects on the wearer. Turquoise, considered by many as a master healing stone, Lapis Lazuli and coral are especially popular in Tibetan prayer box design for their beauty and healing properties. Other gemstones used by the Tibetan craftspeople include, amber, carnelian, amethyst, malachite, onyx, and topaz.
Gau Prayer Box Lockets